Raitiovaunun kesäreitti

The terminus of tram route 2 will move from Ilmala to Länsi-Pasila on 19 June until 13 August

The terminus of tram route 2 will move from Ilmala to Länsi-Pasila on 19 June due to construction work in Ilmalan Aura. The terminus will remain in Länsi-Pasila until 13 August. The tram will serve the “Kyllikinportti” (H0608), “Maistraatintori” (H0606, terminus) and “Palkkatilanportti” (H0604) stops in Länsi-Pasila. The following stops will not be served: “Ilmalantori” (H0622), “Uutiskatu” (H0626 and H0627), “Eevanmäki” (H0624 and H0625), “Esterinportti” (H0609) and “Palkkatilanportti” (H0630). For journeys from Ilmala to Pasila, we advise passengers to use buses 23, 59 and 518, or trains.


Read more: https://www.hsl.fi/en/hsl/news/service-updates/2023/06/tram-routes-to-start-summer-service-on-19-june–terminus-of-tram-route-2-to-move-to-lansi-pasila


Adaptable and comfortable spaces in Ilmalan Aura

The premises have been designed together with professionals to support businesses now and in the future. The property’s builder, Hartela, supports the change and works to ensure that the process is seamless from the first meeting to the house-warming party.

Ilmalan Aura
Ilmalankuja 3, 00240 Helsinki

Inquiries and leasing

Ilmari Hämäläinen

050 569 0466 ilmari.hamalainen@hartela.fi

Adaptable and comfortable spaces in Ilmalan Aura

The premises have been designed together with professionals to support businesses now and in the future. The property’s builder, Hartela, supports the change and works to ensure that the process is seamless from the first meeting to the house-warming party.

Ilmalan Aura
Ilmalankuja 3, 00240 Helsinki