The terminus of tram route 2 will move from Ilmala to Länsi-Pasila on 19 June due to construction work in Ilmalan Aura. The terminus will remain in Länsi-Pasila until 13 August. The tram will serve the “Kyllikinportti” (H0608), “Maistraatintori” (H0606, terminus) and “Palkkatilanportti” (H0604) stops in Länsi-Pasila. The following stops will not be served: “Ilmalantori” (H0622), “Uutiskatu” (H0626 and H0627), “Eevanmäki” (H0624 and H0625), “Esterinportti” (H0609) and “Palkkatilanportti” (H0630). For journeys from Ilmala to Pasila, we advise passengers to use buses 23, 59 and 518, or trains.